按照教育部《关于 2020 年春季学期延期开学的通知》、教育部长陈宝生在全国教育系统应对新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控工作视频会议讲话精神和上海市新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防 控工作领导小组办公室发布通告、上海市教育委员会关于进一步做好学校新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控工作的通知相关规定,为进一步坚强对返校学生的管理,有效应对疫情管控,切实保障师生生命安全和身体健康,现就《上海海洋大学学生违反校
1. 违反疫情防控规定和要求,有隐瞒、谎报个人行程信息、居住地信息和身体异常状况,故意拖延迟迟不报告者,一经查实,给予警告或严重警告处分。
2. 有参与制造恐慌、发布不实信息、传播散布谣言造成不良后果者,视性质、情节给予警告及以上处分。
3. 有不服从疫情防控需要所采取的限制出入窜访、限制聚集活动等行为者,给予警告至记过处分。有不服从疫情防控需要所做的工作安排、教学安排、生活安排等其他情况者,视情节和后果给予警告或严重警告处分。4.未申请或未获批准而擅自提前返回学校者,给予警告处分或严重警告处分。
6. 有不服从或不执行各级政府部门、社区、学校依法颁布的疫病防控命令、决定、规定,干扰疫情防控工作者,拒不执行居家隔离观察、居家医学观察指令,进入公共场所拒绝个人防护、消毒检疫、绝体温监测、疏散劝离等情况者,视性质、情节和后果给予记过及以上处分。
三、本解释自 2020 年 2 月 21 日起执行。
Regarding the Regulation ‘Shanghai Ocean University Student Violation of School Discipline’ during the epidemic prevention and control Explanation of the application of relevant provisions of the Regulations
(Student Affairs Office)
In accordance with the Ministry of Education's Announcement on the Extension of the Spring Semester of 2020, Chen Baosheng, the Ministry of Education, spoke at the video conference on the prevention and control of pneumonia in the national education system against 2019-nCoV infection, and the notice from the Shanghai Education Commission on further improving the prevention and control of pneumonia epidemics of 2019-nCoV infection in schools, in order to further strengthen the management of returning students, effectively respond to the epidemic control, and effectively protect teachers and students Life safety and physical health, the following
explanations apply to the application of the relevant provisions of the Shanghai Ocean University.
Student Violation of School Discipline Regulations:
Ⅰ. In accordance with the provisions of Article 5, Those punished by legal authorities shall be punished severely.
Ⅱ. According to the provisions of Article 21, the following violations of discipline and rules are subject to the following circumstances, priority will be given to the corresponding punishment:
1. Violation of the epidemic prevention and control regulations and requirements, with concealment or misrepresentation of personal travel information, place of residence information, and physical abnormalities, and those who deliberately delayed the report, will be given a warning or a serious warning and punishment upon verification.
2. Those who are involved in creating panic, publishing false information, and spreading rumors to cause adverse consequences will be given warnings and above punishments based on their circumstances.
3. Restrictions on access, restrictions, and restrictions required for non-compliance with epidemic prevention and control, gathering activities and other actors will be warned to punish or above. Disobedience prevention and control, those who disobedience work arrangements, teaching arrangements, living arrangements, etc. According to the consequences will be given a warning or severe warning.
4. Those who return to the school without application or approval in advance will be given a warning or severe warning.
5. Have contact with people from Hubei or have traveled through Hubei, etc., have a clear history of contact with family members, relatives and friends, and other confirmed or suspected cases, do not report in time or conceal those who do not report will be given serious warnings or record penalties. Those who have concealed their trips and illnesses caused the virus to spread and caused others to infect them. They will be punished according to the circumstances and consequences.
6. Disobedience or non-implementation of epidemic prevention and control orders, decisions, and regulations promulgated by government ministries, communities, and schools in accordance with the law, interfering with epidemic prevention and control workers, refusing to implement home isolation observation, home medical observation instructions, and entering the public sites that refuse personal protection, disinfection and quarantine, absolute temperature monitoring, evacuation and persuasion shall be punished according to their circumstances and consequences.
7. If there are multiple disciplinary acts, the highest level of individual disciplinary sanctions will be increased by one level.
Ⅲ. This interpretation will be implemented from February 21, 2020.